
Joel Hatcher

Massage Therapist


Joel grew up near the ocean and spent the majority of his time either catching waves or running up and down a basketball court. Life after high school took a wild turn as he spent the next 9 years travelling the world doing back-to-back winter seasons searching for the perfect hill to ride his snowboard down.

Eventually the lifestyle and brutal weather wore out his body to a breaking point. This resulted in a fractured vertebrae from a relatively harmless impact. He saw this as a big message to pay more attention to the signs his body was showing him.
Nutrition and movement became his medicine as his yoga practice, and passion for preparing and eating plant foods grew. When the pandemic forced him to return from Peru, he used his time wisely and completed a Diploma of Remedial Massage, and 200hr Yoga teacher training.

During his diploma he realised he had been brought home to study for a reason. The connection and healing that is facilitated with massage amazed him. Joel believes in treating the body as a whole.

His treatments emphasize the importance of bringing the body into a relaxed state so it can begin to heal itself. He is currently working with the team at Australian Dance Theatre as their in house RMT.