Letters For The Future
We care for the planet like our lives depend on it. Join us on a policy change mission.
We care for the planet like our lives depend on it. Join us on a policy change mission.
Action is a beautiful antidote for overwhelm
Right now, 19-year-old climate advocate Anjali Sharma is running a monumental campaign with Senator David Pocock. To amend the Climate Change Bill and impose a duty of care on the government to protect young people against the harmful impacts of climate change.
If passed, it will be the first time a law in Australia explicitly prevents the government from making the kind of decisions currently fuelling the climate crisis.
A seriously viable way to block fossil-fuel projects that put people and planet in undeniable danger.
Join us to support the Duty of Care campaign in the most effective way we know how: a Senate Submission writing party! Letters For The Future, to make it sexier.
Senate submissions are an accessible and constructive way to hold the government and big polluters to account. All you need is a laptop and passion for a liveable and healthy planet.
We’ll hear from Anjali Sharma about the campaign’s background and how best to structure our unique submissions, and put finger-pads to key-boards then and there.
Join us in action. Bring friends, family, neighbours.
Date & Time
Thurs 16 November
7:30 – 8:30pm
City Studio
Level 1, 60 Halifax Street, Adelaide, South Australia
FREE for all
“Like so many of my friends, I’m increasingly scared about my future. The past few years have seen temperatures that have broken records and climate fuelled natural disasters unfolding across the world. And all evidence shows us this will only get worse unless we act. We are at a crossroads in history, the government can either act in accordance with its duty to young people to deliver us a safe and liveable future, or set us on a path to climate catastrophe.”