
Mental Health Social Workers – Who are we and what do we do?

  Accredited Mental Health Social Workers, or AMHSW’s, is a title given to social workers who have applied for and successfully earned what is referred to as aMental Health Credential facilitated by the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW). AMHSW’s can then use this credential to apply for a Medicare Provider Number, allowing AMHSW’s to… Continue reading Mental Health Social Workers – Who are we and what do we do?

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Yoga Tune-Up Explained

Having consistent, joyous practice over a long period. This is every yogi’s intention, but at some stage everyone will experience barriers to Abhyasa in the form of a plateau in their practice, discomfort somewhere in the body or even an injury.   At Human.Kind studios, the purpose of a Yoga Tune-Up session is to provide… Continue reading Yoga Tune-Up Explained

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Mental Health Therapies Q&A

  Increasingly people appreciate that Mental Health and Physical Health are intrinsically linked. It can therefore be helpful to consider that in the same way that there are multiple ways to move, exercise and take care of your body, there are also many different approaches to creating a stable, regulated and resilient mental state. It is… Continue reading Mental Health Therapies Q&A

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Physio & Massage Q&A

  As the Operations Manager at Human.Kind Studios Adelaide, I’ve had years of interactions with people seeking out physiotherapy and massage for any number of reasons. From injury rehabilitation, skills building, tension relief, nervous system down-regulation or technique formation, physiotherapy and massage therapy each play specific beneficial roles in helping people attain greater wellbeing. Despite the… Continue reading Physio & Massage Q&A

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The best time for physiotherapy

  “Remember, the easy road often becomes hard, and the hard road often becomes easy.” — Robert T. Kiyosaki When is the best time to see a physiotherapist?  When do you think about seeing a physiotherapist?  For most of us, physiotherapy pings into our consciousness with the pain of a rolled ankle or sprained back.. … Continue reading The best time for physiotherapy

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A day in the life of a Human.Kind physio

  We utilise the body’s remarkable restorative ability to promote healing and equilibrium. When a physio walks up the steps and through the doors of Human.Kind Adelaide, anything can happen! Or should I say, anyone can happen to walk in looking for treatment or support.  This calls for a vast number of different roles, identities… Continue reading A day in the life of a Human.Kind physio

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Dry Needling 101

  At Human.Kind Physiotherapy our physios regularly offer dry needling to our clients.   Dry needling is a therapeutic technique designed to alleviate muscle tension and pain by activating local twitch responses within the muscles. This procedure involves inserting a fine filament needle (similar to those used in acupuncture) into specific areas of muscle to… Continue reading Dry Needling 101

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Experiencing foot and ankle pain when running?

  Have you ever experienced foot or ankle pain when running? If you run, then the answer to this question is almost definitely ‘yes’. So why do so many runners experience foot and ankle pain and what does this mean?    Let’s break this down to the most common foot and ankle issues we see in… Continue reading Experiencing foot and ankle pain when running?

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Knee Pain and Running

Hey runners, what is your knee pain trying to tell you?   Knee pain while running can evoke all sorts of scary thoughts! Is it arthritis, a spur, a stress fracture? Am I bone on bone and condemned to a life of chronic pain?    Chances are it’s a lot less dramatic and there’s a… Continue reading Knee Pain and Running

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Hip flexor pain explained

Hip flexor pain.   Here we focus on one common problem area, your hip flexors. To orientate, your hip flexors are at the front of your hip, working to bring your thigh bone closer towards your torso (like in the action of lifting your legs into a car).  There are five main hip flexor muscles that… Continue reading Hip flexor pain explained

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