
Interconnection and care

I recently spent 8 days in silent retreat, sleeping in a tent below the mountains of North Carolina practising mettā (loving-kindness) meditation. The late summer air was thick with gnats, clouding my face as they vied for the salts in my sweat.   On the last day, I went out to the meadow. Afternoon sun… Continue reading Interconnection and care

The wonderful thing about wonder

Let me tell you something beautiful today.   On the banks of the Peruvian Amazon, butterflies are drinking the tears of river turtles. The basking reptiles calmly tolerate this fluttering kaleidoscope, lucky for the butterflies, because the western Amazon is so low in sodium, these tears are the tiny flying herbivores’ only source of vital… Continue reading The wonderful thing about wonder

What Does It Mean To Take Yoga “Off The Mat”

Sure, you have an epic backbend. Or can balance on your hands for days.   But if you still act like an asshole, safe to say your yoga practice isn’t working.      It’s understandable yoga could be mistaken for a collection of poses. In its modern ‘western’ manifestation, this is often the most celebrated,… Continue reading What Does It Mean To Take Yoga “Off The Mat”

What is yin yoga?

Socked feet shuffle through the studio door, hands full of cushions and cups of tea. Ambient classical music plays in the background as people loll about on their mats pre-class. At home, some are setting up to livestream this session from bed.

The 3 Most Common Yoga Injuries: A Physiotherapy Perspective

Yoga Injuries are avoidable with the right care. In this article we look at the three most common areas of soreness in yoga, from a physiotherapy perspective.