The Choir of Human.Kind invites you to The Big Sing.
Think pub choir meets mass karaoke, all inside a yoga studio.
All folks with any form of musical experience (including none) are welcome. We’ll put the words on the wall and the music up loud.
Karaoke wannabe? Big fan of Sister Act? Or simply always fancied yourself musically inclined? Here’s the choir for you. We’ll embrace a variety of musical styles from Beyoncé bangers to vintage classics. This is a community driven project, bring your mates and make requests. Wander down to the pub together after if you wish.
Group singing officially improves our sense of happiness and wellbeing. Research has shown that people feel more positive after actively singing than they do after passively listening to music or after chatting about positive life events.
Led by our long-term member, voice coach, professional opera and cabaret diva Sidonie Henbest.
Come sing your heart out. It’s joy-filled. Heart-warming. And hilarious.
Date & Time
2nd Friday each month.
7:15pm (75mins)
Next session: Fri 13 Sep
Alternates between City & Glenelg studios
City Studio
Level 1, 60 Halifax Street, Adelaide, Kaurna Land.
Wheelchair access via elevator at rear. Please let us know if you require lift access.
Glenelg Studio
Level 1, 118 Jetty Rd, Glenelg. Kaurna Land.
(enter via Cowper St)
This venue is not wheelchair accessible.
Free for members.
Casual cost for drop-in, or pay-what-you-can.
About Sidonie Henbest
Sidonie realised long ago that even when she was trying to be very quiet, everyone could still hear her. Thankfully she found a career that was able to use that as a strength. Singing has taken her to some far-flung places and allowed her to meet and work with some pretty cool humans.
She has sung operas in Outback Australia and cabaret in many a (Spiegel)tent, and even serenaded The Hon. Bob Hawke for his official 80th Birthday celebrations. Some of her most precious and life-changing moments have come from the collective experience of making music, and in particular choirs, and from helping people find and embrace their voice – on and off the stage.