
Movie Night

Short films. Climate activism. Popcorn.

Shithropocene & The First Wave.

Join us for an evening of short films and climate activism inspiration.


First, we’ll explore the current age of cheap crap. Or, as legendary B-Corp Patagonia have dubbed it, The Shitthropocene.


This 45 min documentary traces the journey from the cellular-level origins of our lack of impulse control to the ways our central nervous systems have been hacked in the name of capitalism. It also looks at how we might begin to save ourselves from ourselves. Plus, there are dancing cave people.


Then, we’ll revisit the epic moment in late 2023 (the hottest year in human history) when everyday people shut down the world’s largest coal port for 32 hours. Hundreds of humans in kayaks conducted a peaceful and disruptive flotilla off the coast of NSW.


The First Wave, from Rising Tide, is a 20 min showcase of footage from the beach, the water, and the sky of this historic event. Get inspired. Get ready for the next wave.


PJs welcome. We’ll supply popcorn and tea.

Date & Time
Thurs 20 June

7:30pm – 9:00pm


City Studio

Kaurna Land

Level 1, 60 Halifax Street, Adelaide.


Bring friends. We’ll bring popcorn.