
The Human.Kind Impact Fund

Let’s pool our resources for collective impact.

When you donate to The Impact Fund, we allocate 100% of your donation to registered charities at the frontline of our biggest existential threats.


It’s a not-for-profit foundation, entirely separate from our business operations, so your donation is 100% tax deductible.


You might be in a position to give once-off, or commit to regular payments. The way you give might flux over time. We’ll keep you updated about all the future-shaping work being driven with your dollars. Check out the organisations we support here.


Then, we’ll match your donations by increasing our in-kind services to people in need within our networks through alternative memberships, community inclusivity programs, and free events.


We commit to staying educated on the most effective altruism we can be taking – and seeking out the services or organisations that need our funds.

Circles of Care

Human.Kind is an impact organisation, building healthy communities who are resourced to help. Our theory of change works like this: we provide an environment for you to take care of yourself, so you can expand your own circles of care. From personal wellbeing, to social justice, to environmental stewardship.


Because we are all embedded within the wider ecosystems of our shared environment.


You might use Human.Kind to receive care. Or to offer care. Probably both, at different times. It’s reciprocal. We orbit each other, inter-being with the environment that sustains us all.


You matter. And what you do matters. We’re here to help you craft a life of meaning, as a part of the bigger picture.