Ciara Foley
Pronounced Keer-ah Foley
Movement is incredibly important to me, it has always been a big source of curiosity and excitement for me and now I’m lucky enough to work with it daily. After being a competitive gymnast for 8 years, I spent hours learning the intricacies of the body and how to get it to where I needed to be. That’s what still drives my passion as a physio – understanding the body, helping people to better understand it themselves, and getting you where you need to be!
Human.Kind is an incredible workplace to fuel this passion.Seeing so many people come through every day learning and evolving the way they move their body and getting to do that alongside them.You’ll often catch me near the front desk doing handstands or nerding out about something new I’ve learnt or trying out a new way to move to challenge my own body, especially in yoga, climbing or arm balancing.
Physiotherapy for me is just as much about working with the mind as well as the body, the way we consider pain, our motivation to show up for ourselves, the patterns in our everyday lives; they all play into each other and affect how we hold ourselves . I love empowering people with the knowledge to better understand themselves and their bodies and especially watching people have that ‘lightbulb’ moment, where something just clicks!
I’m excited to work with people to find the exercise or management that works best for you. At the end of the day if it doesn’t excite you it likely won’t motivate you. For me it’s about uncovering a solution that flows into your weeks, months and years and doesn’t feel like a chore.
If you have a goal you’re working towards, something you’re curious about, a niggle or any injury, or even learning a new skill, I’d love to team up and work on it together.