
Remedial Massage

Remedial Massage is therapeutic on many levels. It’s an opportunity to improve blood and lymphatic flow, increase body brain connection, and to relax an overactive nervous system.

Yoga Nidra

What is Remedial Massage?

Different types of massage have originated over the years, often in reference to the local culture and with different theories of how they work to improve health.


Remedial Massage is a more contemporary form which takes in many different techniques to target an effect on key tissues. Rather than being a one-treatment-fits-all therapy, every treatment is specific to the needs of that person, how they use their body and where they hold their tension.

When should I see a Remedial Massage Therapist?

There’s several ways that people use Remedial Massage to support their health. The most common reason that people seek out Remedial Massage is that they have specific areas of fatigued muscles (eg neck and shoulders, lower back) based on their type of work or sport. Massage that helps flush the tissues helps workers and athletes recover quicker and reduce the sense of heaviness that comes with tired muscles. Clients might see the therapist for a short burst of treatment, or if the work/sport loads are ongoing, they have a regular massage to stay on top of things. 


The other main reason that people come to see a Remedial Massage therapist is that they recognise their nervous system is in a state of stress or anxiety. This stress can of course drive muscular aches and body sensations, but the main target of treatment is to bring the nervous system back into a more calm state. Slower and more subtle techniques help guide the mind back into the body sensation, present moment awareness and overall sense of safety.

What can I expect?

The therapist will ask about what you’re wanting to get out of the session. You can be specific or general. From there you’ll usually disrobe to your underwear and be draped with towels for privacy as the therapist works around you. You can choose to talk if you wish most most people appreciate some time to relax and be quiet. Most sessions are one hour long so there’s plenty of time to slow down and get full benefit from the sessions. 

Consultations Available
Initial Consultation 60mins

Standard Follow-up 30 mins


Level 1, 60 Halifax Street, Kaurna Land, Adelaide. Elevator access at rear. Please

ph 8231 2983 for access support.

Free on-street 2hr parking on Halifax and surrounding streets or bike parking directly out front.