
Myponga Working Bees

Ground yourself in the community


Landcare for the future

Our monthly Myponga Working Bees are opportunities to get your hands dirty and plant yourself in a long term landcare project. 


Learn new skills. Connect to place, community, and our collective evolution. Gain the ecological education to live into a sustainable future.  


“We must not be so preoccupied by saving the Earth, that we forget how deeply we already belong to it. As we reconnect to land and return to nature, we are in fact the ones who are saved.”

– Tessa Leon, Human.Kind Co-Founder.


Everyone welcome. We meet on the land on the first Saturday of every month. The half-days typically involve light physical work, a touch of free roaming, and plenty of nourishing food and cold drinks.


Car pooling / equipment gathering / dietaries / general yarns happen on our Mighty Networks Community Hub. Connect in here.


“As we work to heal the earth, the earth heals us.”

– Robin Wall Kimmerer

Date & Time

First Saturday of every month.

9am – 2pm. 



279 Sampson Road, Myponga Beach.


About Myponga 

In 2022 we brought 107 hectares of beautiful, yet ecologically degraded, farm land under our care.

This land has been purchased with the intent to create a special place for all of us. It has been funded by a small group of investors connected through the Human.Kind studios who want to see a different model of investing in communities and landcare.

The intention for this land is to be a place of deepening connection. To learn new skills. To contribute to revegetation and biodiversity. To spend time in retreat. And to spend time with ourselves.

We envision creating a social enterprise that functions as an ecologically sensitive retreat centre. It will be used for spiritual retreats, educational trainings, arts and creative developments, weekend getaways (and yes probably weddings too).

This is a project that is bigger than any individual. Over a time scale bigger than any lifetime. And we want to co-create it with you, our Human.Community. 

Head to The Circular Initiative website to learn more: