
A 30 hr Teacher Training

Kristin Spence Reach

Weaving Wisdom: A 30hr Teacher Training

We believe everyone has an intrinsic inner wisdom.

The ability to share this wisdom is the skill of the teacher.

This is an art form. 

This is Weaving Wisdom.


Join Kristin Spence for this new 30hr teacher training. Learn how to authentically weave traditional yogic philosophy and principles into a contemporary class environment. Blend these with the insights from your own practice to provide your students with an embodied experience of inner revelation. 


This is a training for yoga teachers to gain mastery in class theming. It will cover the inspiration, creation, and delivery of classes that ignite authentic transformation. We’ll discuss the responsibility of the teacher’s position, and how to approach the yogic traditions with respect, humility and reverence. 


This delicate dance of ancient wisdom mingled with lived experience has the unparalleled potential to make an everlasting impact on your students, your community and the world.




  • How to teach philosophy from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita in a contemporary yoga class context
  • How to share insights from your own practice and lived experience
  • The language, dynamics and energetics of class teaching
  • Class theming templates to make your own
  • Safety and ethics of yoga facilitators
  • Discussion of yogic philosophies
  • Basic sanskrit and pronunciation
  • Traditional pooja practice and mantras
  • How to stay inspired in your sincere studentship




Morning practice (asana, pranayama, mantra)

Discussion of philosophies explored in practice


Lecture on theming techniques methodologies

Practice teaching




24 -27 Feb 2022
Thurs – Sun 
8:30am – 4pm


Level 1, 60 Halifax Street, Adelaide.

Kaurna Land. South Australia

or Livestream from wherever you are

Students will have 6 weeks from the end of the course to complete the content.


In-person: $799
Livestream: $599


200hr Teacher Training graduates will be eligible to receive 30hrs towards their Human.Kind 500hr certification.

Recommend Pre-reading

Bhagavad Gita
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

(you are welcome to select your own commentaries and translations)


The course wll run over 4 days.

Thursday 24 th Feb – Sunday 27th Feb 2022



Every day of the training starts at 8:30am and ends at 4pm.

There is an hour lunch break plus shorter morning and afternoon breaks. Each day includes a physical practice, lectures, and various other activities.

In-person price is $799 and livestream price is $599. When you go to book, choose your preferred option.  

Cost includes: training manual written by Kristin Spence, full tuition, coaching and mentoring and 30 hrs towards your 500hr Human.Kind certification with Yoga Alliance. 

Upon successful completion of the course, you’ll receive your 30hrs towards your 500hr certification, recognised by Yoga Alliance worldwide. Walk away with the ability to teach a life-changing practice in any environment: schools, corporate offices, studios, fitness centres, healthcare practices and beyond. 

Weaving Wisdom will be led by Kristin Spence, Lead Facilitator at Human.Kind Studios. Scroll down to learn more about Kristin.

Got more questions? Reach out. Our programs team is here to help you. 

About Kristin

Kristin is renown for her ability to apply ancient traditional practices in modern contexts and in a fully accessible way. Laid back yet passionate, grounded in compassion and free of judgement, she makes the yogic and spiritual path a joyous journey.


Kristin offers a unique blend of modern and traditional yogic practices rooted in the Vedas and has dedicated her life to the study and practice of Vedic wisdom and teachings.


A true devotee, Kristin has over 1000 hours of training certification and prioritises her sincere studentship and own study.  

Kristin has trained with world-class yoga facilitators and spiritual teachers such as Rod Stryker, Octavio Salvado, Brad Hay, Annie Carpenter, Dr Robert Svoboda, Dr Vasant Lad, Duncan Peak, Tessa Leon, Kaya Mindlin and Swami Tattwamayananda.