
A rust coloured banner that says "social sessions, your monthly calendar of Human.Kind good times"

Social Sessions

Hyper-local and all IRL, these ongoing community programs give you more ways to belong.  From dancing to gardening, from mass karaoke to quizzes. Different opportunities to move, learn, evolve and play. Make vital connections. Collaborate. Laugh. All free for Human.Kind members. We believe connected communities are more resilient and creative. Get amongst it.


Begin 2025 with movement, intention, and connection.
New Years Day, 7:30am | Grange Beach
With Tessa Leon and Triton Tunis-Mitchell

Myponga Working Bee

Landcare for the future.
First Sat every month | 9am - 2pm | MYPONGA
With ecologist Bradley Bianco

Dancing in the Dark

Move. Your. Body. Freedance sessions.
Fourth Fri every month | 7:15pm | CITY
Soundtrack by Latecapital Spellbinder & guests

Queer Community Yoga

Movement and discussion for LGBTIQA+ folk
First Fri every month | 6pm | CITY or GLENELG
With Ben Gardner


Sunrise yoga and dip with hundreds of humans.
First Wed every month | 6:30am | HENLEY BEACH
With H.K team