
The best time for physiotherapy

a physio treats a client's back and shoulders


“Remember, the easy road often becomes hard, and the hard road often becomes easy.”

Robert T. Kiyosaki

When is the best time to see a physiotherapist? 

When do you think about seeing a physiotherapist? 

For most of us, physiotherapy pings into our consciousness with the pain of a rolled ankle or sprained back.. 

For a few of us, we get fed-up with a long term niggle and finally make time to see someone. And then there’s the rare high achievers. They have big goals and choose to see a physio not for pain, but for guidance on training to peak performance.  

You might recognise yourself in one of these categories.  But what is the best time for physiotherapy? 

The answer is really simple. Now. 

Okay, so that is a simple enough answer but the next question is why?

In the blog A day in the life of a Human Kind physio, we described the many roles & identities of our physios which demonstrates that there is a physio identity that can support you at any stage of health. 

But here, I want to explore two concepts that support the notion that now is the time for physiotherapy. 

Early intervention: 

If we use osteoarthritis as an example – given that it currently affects 15%+ of Australians, costing us Billions each year, Arthritis Australia Time to Move: Osteoarthritis | Arthritis Australia and the Australian Government National Strategic Action Plan for Arthritis have both recognised that early diagnosis and intervention is the key to successful, cost-effective management. 


But the same concept applies for sports injuries, recovery from surgeries, disc bulges, stroke or neurological development, they all require the same thing – addressing the problem now is better than waiting until it gets worse. It’s kind of common sense right?!

In the real world, this vague idea of ‘early’ intervention can be translated to NOW! Early intervention is anything that isn’t ‘later’ intervention. 

Putting the work in now with a physio will ultimately lead to higher and higher levels of health and movement satisfaction. 


What about recovering from an injury that hasn’t even happened yet? (What?!).

Prehabilitation in the ortho world means strengthening the body before surgery to get a running start into the rehab. This approach has been highly successful in reducing hospital stays and getting people back doing what they love sooner rather than later. 

Prehab also means injury prevention

A physio can identify the areas of weakness in your body that can lead to injury and prescribe the best exercises to turn this weakness into a strength. These injuries commonly occur in sports people or when there is a sudden increase in movement – like wanting to get fit before going on holidays or joining the work City-Bay team. 

An example of an evidence-based prehab program is The KNEE Program for netballers, while similar programs are seen in soccer (Fifa11+) and rugby (Preparation to Perform). But why not have a similar program for yoga, running, hiking or surfing?! Prehab works – preventing injury, enjoying movement and thriving year after year!

At ANY STAGE of injury, rehab, physical activity or movement goal, physiotherapy is proven to be hugely beneficial. 

Curious…? Or now just hyper-aware of your knots and niggles…?! Regardless, our physios can help with that – TODAY. 

See one of the incredible physios at Human.Kind Studios Adelaide CBD clinic to explore your body and movement and take the next step in experiencing the freedom of wonderful health.

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