We utilise the body’s remarkable restorative ability to promote healing and equilibrium.
When a physio walks up the steps and through the doors of Human.Kind Adelaide, anything can happen! Or should I say, anyone can happen to walk in looking for treatment or support.
This calls for a vast number of different roles, identities and archetypes to be embodied by our physios which together start to paint a picture of who these superhumans are and what a ‘typical’ day might look like.
So without further adieu, here are some of the key identities of a Human.Kind physio:
Knowing more about your body will give you the power to make decisions to strengthen, heal and restore. This is equally important if you are injured, not injured or are working towards movement goals.
A physio mentor recognises body intelligence and guides their mentees (clients) to access this, and listen. By having the ability to respond to the subtle instructions and needs that your body provides, injury will be prevented, tissues will heal, movement will be pleasurable and performance will progress.
Identifying movement patterns and postures that highlight imbalance or weakness is the key to preventing injury or re-injury. The right tweaks & adjustments can then be made through exercise to achieve beautifully healthy movement and posture.
If you have attended a Human.Kind Adelaide physio clinic in the past, you likely received dry needling, massage, joint mobilisation or manipulation, taping or one of many other release techniques. These techniques stimulate blood flow to the target tissue, reduce pain, increase mobility and decompress and lubricate joints. These techniques effectively ‘unplug’ the impediments to optimal healing and maintenance. With targeted exercise prescription, the body masterfully takes care of the rest.
There are instances where a scan is required or medical specialist advice is warranted, or perhaps a yoga teacher or strength and conditioning coach will best support achievement of your goals. A physio will, and a physio has, the knowledge to make these recommendations and to outline the next steps on this path.
Performance, injury prevention and rehabilitation will all undoubtedly require strength and flexibility training at some stage. This is the hard part, but thankfully you don’t have to take this road alone and your physio has got your back. A physio will also guide you away from distractions and pitfalls to your recovery or goal – sleep, diet, routine, posture and more.
All of our physios are yoga and/or pilates trained and are class facilitators at our Adelaide CBD yoga and pilates studio. Their technical expertise come to the fore in anatomically precise guidance in class with students feeling safe, strong and empowered as they experience the depths of their body’s capabilities.
Keeping up to date with the latest relevant research articles, feeding off each other, reading blogs and attending classes to experience a depth of personal practice are all part of the daily learning diet. This ensures that clients receive the best possible results from a committed movement nerd!
There are many other roles or archetypes that you may encounter from a physio, but have you noticed that none of these roles require a particular physical state to access or receive benefit?
At ANY STAGE of injury, rehab, physical activity or movement goal, a physio can adopt a role that will support your health and physical activity journey. For more insight into when to see a physio, read the blog The best time for physiotherapy.
Otherwise, why not see one of the incredible physios at Human.Kind Studios Adelaide CBD clinic today?
Explore your body and movement and take the next step in experiencing the freedom of wonderful health.